DOCUMENTS IN THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION (Deadline passed: approval granted by GBC):
Motorcycle parking spaces:
22 motorcycle parking spaces /areas accommodating up to 39 m/cs across the site distributed across all parking zones
All m/c parking spaces/areas will have a secure fixing
M/C owners must provide m/c details and VRN to Horizon and to the Managing agent
M/c owners using a dedicated m/c parking space area will get a 50% discount on annual parking permit price
M/c owners using a car parking space must pay full parking permit price (no ground fixings)
When applying for a parking permit, a m/c counts as one vehicle
What changed from the last proposal?
m/c parking spaces/areas grouped together and secure fixing provided
No m/c parking on pavements
Requirement to register m/c VRN with Managing agent as well as with Horzon Parking
50% permit cost reduction if using dedicated m/c parking space/area
Remaining concerns:
Will the number and locations of m/c parking spaces/areas meet current needs?
Are the provisions for registering m/c VRNs with Horizon and managing agent actually workable?
Click on links below for more information on:
Parking Zones map (pdf download)
Electric Car Charging and Parking