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Royal Clarence Yard History Talk: 26 April 6.30pm

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Image: Royal Clarence Yard circa 1880 (c) Colin M. Baxter. Reproduced with ;permission.

If you have ever wondered about the history of Royal Clarence Yard, there is a really interesting talk coming up by RCY resident, naval researcher and biographer, David Verghese : "How Royal Clarence Yard in Gosport victualled the Royal Navy: from the pre-Victorian era to the late 20th century".

Date & Time: Wednesday April 26, 2022. 6:30pm onwards.

Doors open from 6.15 pm. The meeting will finish by 8pm.

Venue: Portsmouth Offshore Group Sailing Club (which is situated through the grey gates next to Galleon Place residential block).

Refreshments: Tea/coffee is available at the venue via the ‘honesty box’ method.

Price: Attendance at the talk is by numbered ticket only; these can be obtained from the speaker by calling 02392 528642 or 07867 792900

About the talk:

In the 1820’s a number of victualling operations, on behalf of the Royal Navy fleet based at Portsmouth, were transferred to the Admiralty Weevil Depot at Gosport, which already contained a cooperage and had hosted a succession of ale breweries. The newly consolidated facility became the Royal Clarence Victualling Yard.

It quickly developed responsibility for providing Her Majesty's ships with biscuits, rum, salted meat, fresh water, other food supplies and later, naval clothing.

The speaker will trace the origins of the Victualling Yard (RCY) and relate its continuous operation from the early 19th century through the conflicts of two later world wars, including much bombing damage to the Yard and focus on its support of the Normandy Invasion. The later diversification of RCY will be explored in addition to the further support of naval operations towards the end of the 20th century.



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