Update 16 December 2020
At the Progress Meeting with RMG, Property Manager, Toby Felton advised that (in addition to those listed below) the following residential blocks are expected to start external and/or internal cyclical redecoration works during 2021:
Flagstaff Green Houses: External
Granary & Bakery Internal (plus repair to the Bakery North staircase)
The other blocks mentioned previously are at various stages of being tendered for the works.
Leaseholders have several rights and protections in relation to major works under Section 20 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985. For more information on the Section 20 process, consultation stages and leaseholders' rights, we suggest a visit to the subject on the Leasehold Advisory Service website.
23 November 2020
Several residential blocks at Royal Clarence Yard are due for external redecoration during 2021. The Managing Agents, RMG, has sent formal Notice of Intention to carry out these redecorations to leaseholders of properties in Phase C:
Salthouse Apts
Chandlers Apts
Malthouse Apts
and leaseholders of properties in Phase H:
Galleon Place
Ledwell Court
The formal Section 20 Notice of Intention letters sent by RMG to leaseholders can be downloaded from the links below.
For more information on the Section 20 process, consultation stages and leaseholders' rights, we suggest a visit to the subject on the Leasehold Advisory Service website.
Other external redecorations due during 2021 are:
Flagstaff Green Houses
Granary & Bakery
However, the formal Notices of Intention for these homes has not been issued as yet. Further news will be posted to the RCMRA website as it becomes available.
Internal redecorations for some blocks are also planned to take place during 2021. More information on these will be posted to the RCMRA website when it becomes available.
For more information, please contact RMG.