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Plans to Convert the Slaughterhouse to a Gym and Fitness Centre

Public consultation on proposals to convert the Grade II Listed former Slaughterhouse at Royal Clarence Yard for use as a gym and fitness centre (plus ancillary cafe) has begun. Deadline for responses to Gosport Borough Council is Friday, 10th August.

The detailed plans can be viewed either at the Town Hall or online. There are two related applications covering this proposal, one is for a Change of Use -ref: 18/00277/FULL , the other a Listed Building application -ref: 18/00278/LBA. Comments, support and/or objections to the plans can be made either online via the "Comments" tab on those links, or in writing by e-mail to: or by post to:

Planning Department

Gosport Borough Council

Town Hall

High Street


Hampshire, PO12 1EB

Please ensure that you quote the following references:

18/00277/FULL & 18/00278/LBA The Slaughterhouse at Royal Clarence Yard.

Guidance on making comments and what the Local Planning Authority can and cannot take into account can be found on the GBC website (click here).

The company putting forward these proposals, Marina Fitness Ltd, includes directors who live at Royal Clarence Yard and know the site well. They have a website (click here) and a Facebook page (click here).

Previous plans for the Slaughterhouse have included proposals for it to become a cinema, a restaurant and, more recently, a church. None of the previous plans have come to anything and the building has stood empty for over 20 years. In between it has been used on a temporary basis for successful one-off events, such as Craft Markets and on Heritage Open Days. It is an impressive building, well deserving its Grade II Listing.

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